Soul Figures
'Inspiration for an artist can come form an infinite number of sources.
I am used to seeing an artist’s personal experiences expressed through their work, but Lisa Keiko Kirton’s exhibition, ‘Soul Figures’ which opened yesterday at the Limousine Bull Artists’ collective in Aberdeen, must be one of most unusual.
In the white space, black cloth figures of humans and animals hang suspended above a futon where two sleeping dolls await the visitor.
The effect is charming, child-like yet vaguely sinister. The piece is inspired by Keiko’s experiences as a child, when she would sometimes become aware of looking down on her sleeping body. She had no sense that this was unusual and assumed her friends had similar experiences.
The interesting piece is the result.
Whether or not it leaves enough to your imagination is entirely up to you.'
– Review by Roddy Phillip (Art Critic)